The Hastings Prince Edward Land Trust (HPELT) is a group of people who is committed to protecting the natural and cultural heritage features of our region. The mission is “to facilitate the protection, in perpetuity, of the important natural and cultural heritage features of Hastings and Prince Edward Counties.” Peter Webster has been hired to improve communications and to help with fund raising. HPELT congratulate Baptiste Lake Association in North Hastings for undertaking a lake stewardship plan to provide long term protection of this beautiful part of Hastings County’s natural heritage. The HPELT hope this success will be repeated on our other lakes where cottages have demonstrated their interest in and commitment to stewardship of water quality and wildlife habitat. Tweed and Area Arts Council has acquired Actinolite United Church for a local centre for the arts.. The church is a landmark building in Actinolite, constructed in 1860s from locally quarried stone. It is encouraging to see such a beautiful example of our local architecture an cultural heritage reborn for a new community use.