Peter Kenyon is a the keynote speaker at the Teeny Tiny Summit in Haverlock on June 29 . He is social capitalist and community enthusiast. Over the last four decades he has worked with more than 2000 communities throughout Australia and overseas seeking to facilitate fresh and creative ways that stimulate community and local economic renewal. He is motivated by the desire to create healthy, caring, inclusive, connected, sustainable and enterprising communities and local economies.
Peter has had a background as a youth worker, teacher, youth education officer, tertiary lecturer and senior public servant. His employment experiences have included Director of Employment in Western Australia,
Manager of the Community Employment Development Unit in New Zealand and Coordinator of the Natal Kwazulu Job Creation and Enterprise Strategy in South Africa.
Peter is convinced that one cannot develop communities from the top down or from the outside in. It requires communities to build from the inside out, and for their members to invest themselves, ideas, assets and resources in the process. Peter created the Bank of I.D.E.A.S. (Initiatives for the Development of Enterprising Action and Strategies) to promote such a paradigm shift and assist with the necessary facilitation, ideas and