Happy Spring from all of us at Harvest Hastings!
We hope you are enjoying all the wonders of Spring – warmer weather, shoots coming up from the ground, babies on the farm…
Have you renewed your membership for 2022? You can register and pay at this link: Get Involved | Harvest Hastings. The annual fee is only $35 per person and there are many benefits to becoming a member, including your detailed profile and picture published in 3,000 copies of our annual magazine, distributed throughout Hastings, Quinte West, and beyond. We are getting into production mode, so you must pay your membership fee by April 30, in order to be included in this year’s publication.
Do you have suggestions for content for this year’s magazine? Please get in touch with your ideas – we are looking to fill the pages with guest articles, advertisers who support our mission, and as many Hastings County agriculture and forestry producer profiles as we can include! Contact Karen at [email protected] with your suggestions!
Celebrate the Glory of Garlic!
Garlic may be one of the first tender shoots that you are seeing right now — it’s time to start thinking about how to celebrate this wonderful Ontario crop! Ontario Garlic Week is a cross-cultural celebration of Ontario garlic involving farmers, chefs and consumers of local garlic with stakeholders from farming and rural economic development, food & beverage, hospitality & tourism, education, and culture. The organizers are looking for more folks to get involved with this province-wide event — register at OntarioGarlicWeek.ca