The 2022 edition of “Eat Buy Live Local!”
We’ve just sent it to the printer and our FREE magazine will be available at farmers’ markets, farm stands and information centres throughout Hastings County by mid-July! In the meantime, you can read and download the entire publication online from our website at this link! Many thanks to our contributors, including these Harvest Hastings members: Jennifer Davis, Jenny Cook, Elly Finlayson, Kara Enright, Virginia deCarle, Catherine Wilson, David Ferguson, Michele Vindum, Kate Hayday, and Wendy Mortimer!
August 17 & 18 marks the return of the
Hastings County Plowing Match!
The Hastings County Plowing Match committee would like to welcome you to the 2022 Hastings County Plowing Match! As you know due to COVID, we have not had the Match for 2 years. Therefore, we have decided to make this year’s match just a plowing match. Unfortunately, there will be no tented city. However, we are welcoming vendors to come at a donation price. Vendors will be expected to have their own tents for shelter as they will not be provided this year. The price at the gate will be $5.00 each, with children under 12 free! There will also be some children’s activities and a food booth available along with the 4H milkshake booth. Can’t wait to see you all there!
Mark your calendars for September 10!
Bring a picnic to the farm and enjoy a pastoral setting while listening to how folks envision boosting local, accessible, sustainable food in Hastings County!
Harvest Hastings was excited to be asked by Plainfield Heritage Farm to be a partner for Stone Soup, a unique initiative for local food-related projects that you & your neighbours define. 100% of the $10 admission fee will be awarded to a community project YOU collectively vote for. Along with local food, we are dishing up a little creative community inspiration! Selected food project presenters will speak for 5 minutes. Awarded money goes same day for a project fostering local food, sustainable farming, food security, &/ or food access. Projects CAN BE ANYTHING from local farm projects, community food initiatives to environmental projects. Money can be used to leverage further grants & supports. For more information or to get involved, contact Michele at [email protected]
Do you have a special event coming up that is related to local agriculture or forestry? We’d love to include it in our new Special Events Calendar, as well as share it on our social media! Please email Karen at [email protected] with details!